Manifestation, book, blanket

What the Heck is Manifesting & How To Start

mindset Apr 07, 2021

Manifestation can sound crazy, magical, ‘woo woo’ and a bit like complete nonsense if we’re being honest.

I meannn.... Attracting physical things and experiences into reality using the power of your mind?! C’mon. 

I know it’s easy to be skeptical. I was too.

But once you experience it for yourself there is no doubt that the human mind holds so much more power than most people will ever know. 

Tapping into this “superpower” and realizing that you can truly co-create your life experience is what people call being “awake.” For centuries this knowledge was a well kept secret to keep the rest of the population “asleep.” 



Because when people are fearful and believe they have no control over what’s happening around them or what the future will bring they are more dependent on leaders. They are more easily controlled by stories, propaganda, religions, governments and the beliefs of others - which is where most leaders wanted their people to be....




So of course they wouldn’t dare share this information. They couldn’t risk letting everyone in on the fact that they are not a victim of their life situation but in fact a CREATOR of their own reality.


This idea is where the title of the world famous book “The Secret” comes from, which is where many of us first learned about these incredible stories of manifestation that blew our minds. 


Maybe you’re familiar with how to go about manifesting the life of your dreams, just beginning to dabble with the idea or maybe you’re totally skeptical (most of us start out this way, it’s ok!)


Wherever you’re at right now I think you’ll find these steps to be helpful in pushing you closer toward creating what you want in life.




1. Clarity: know exactly what you want down to the nitty gritty details. Color, location, size, date, time, who, where, WHY. Leave no room for misinterpretation or error.


2. Match Your Vibe: raise your vibration to meet that of which you wish to attract. Trying to attract more financial freedom? Stop talking and acting broke. Be grateful for money. Love money. Trust that money will always be there for you when you need it and that more is on its way to you right now.


3. Feel It, Become It: act as though it's already here. Practice getting into the feeling of having it. BE the future version of you that has already manifested it. Yes, you actually have to play pretend! And then take real action towards obtaining it. Law of attraction only works when you’re showing up and taking aligned action toward your goals.


4. Trust the Universe: don't spend time worrying about the logistics of ‘how on earth’ it’s going to play out. There are things that could happen for you that your logical brain is not capable of seeing or understanding yet. TRUST that something is taking care of you. That life is happening FOR you not TO you. That all the universe is conspiring to call your dreams into reality. 


P.S. It sounds simple because it is! But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s actually really forking hard so don’t give up too quick. Stay the course.


Obstacles and challenges that come your way are the Universe’s way of finding out how bad you really want it, if you’re committed to the vision or if you’re willing to back down at the first sign of struggle.


Don’t back down, sis. Your dreams are waiting for you.💥🌈⚡️


“The Universe is always responding to who you FEEL you are.” -Abraham Hicks