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The One Crucial Weight-Loss Factor No One Talks About

health + fitness Apr 07, 2021

Why I couldn't lose weight for years even with a balanced diet and regular exercise


"Why can't I lose weight?" How many times have you asked yourself this question? I used to ask myself this weekly, even daily sometimes, so I know how frustrating it can be. 


A few years back I was desperately trying to shed some extra pounds I had gained while studying abroad. I was doing my best to eat well and move my body at least 5 times a week. That's what you're supposed to do right? I increased my veggies and lean proteins, went to the gym and did various workouts - cardio, weight machines, HIIT, spinning, barre etc. Of course I had my fair share of "cheats" and the occasional indulgence but after months of effort the scale still wouldn't budge (I know, I know, "throw out the scale!") 

Diet plus exercise is supposed to equal a healthier, leaner body right? This is the standard formula that television, magazines, and social media tells us to follow in order to get fit and feel good. I'm not referring to any specific diet or exercise program, just the simple fact that diet & exercise are thought to be the dynamic duo and the 1-2-punch to kick starting weight-loss.  



How many times have you heard people talk about the ratio of diet to exercise in order to lose weight. This 80% diet and 20% exercise theory isn't bad, but in my opinion it isn't complete. 

We know that in order to reach our goals we can't have just one without the other - but if these 2 elements were all we needed there would be a lot more people in the world getting healthy and crushing their fitness goals. But yet so many of us who incorporate diet and exercise into our daily routines are still struggling to see results. 

Why? Because the formula is incomplete. There's one crucial ingredient missing and it may be one of the most important weight-loss factors ever. 



Once I discovered this "other" element of weight-loss everything started to change for me, almost effortlessly. Or at least it seemed effortless in comparison to all the hours I had been spending in the gym and stressing over what to eat and what was off-limits. The missing ingredient in the standard weight-loss formula (and what helped me finally lose the weight after 2+ years of trying) is our EMOTIONS

Yes! Emotions. If you were expecting some magic supplement or workout trick I'm sorry to disappoint you - but the good thing about emotions is that you already have them and working on adjusting them won't cost you a dime. 

Emotional stress has been proven to be a contributing factor towards weight gain. When you're under chronic emotional stress your body will actually move into fight or flight mode because it thinks it is under attack, causing your digestive system to slow down and conserve more. The outpour of cortisol into your system from constant stress can cause a variety of undesirable changes especially in the lower abdomen which is our center of "not letting go." If it feels like you're doing everything possible but still can't lose that lower belly fat, it might be time to check in with your emotions. 



There is so much information out there about how to reduce stress and body image anxiety that it's actually sometimes more overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. Everyone is different, so it's really about trial and error to find what works best for you. For me, I started with unfollowing certain accounts on Instagram. I know that may sound weird as a weight-loss tip but scrolling through my feed was one of the worst things I was doing because everyday I was exposing myself to curated images of perfect, unrealistic bodies, and unknowingly crushing my confidence and increasing my body image anxiety little by little. 

I also started listening to podcasts. I would listen to inspirational people or stories while I was getting ready in the morning or commuting to work on the train and this really helped me feel uplifted and motivated to make healthy changes in my life. Essentially what I was trying to do was cut out the negative influences and add in more positive ones.

What really helped me a lot was returning to my yoga practice. I hadn't practiced in a long time and I had forgotten how calm and refreshed a simple flow could make me feel. I know yoga isn't for everyone, but if you've never tried it or haven't given it much of a chance and are looking to reduce stress and increase positive energy I highly suggest giving it another go. 



Lastly, I started to incorporate meditation into my daily life. At first I didn't really know about the benefits of meditation or how to do it properly, but one of the most important things I've learned through developing my practice is that there is really no right or wrong way. I started simple with guided meditations that would help me visualize the best version of myself and lead me though some positive self-affirmations. Then I eventually started meditating on my own with music, and now I often just meditate in silence, or even in public places if I can't fit it in at home. 

Try not to get hung up on how you're supposed to sit, or what it's supposed to feel like, or why random thoughts keep coming up and distracting you from reaching complete silence. The more you stress about doing it "right," the more you will distract yourself from doing it at all. The point is really quite simple and that is to rest the mind - to slow down your thoughts and come back to center. When you've been walking all day and your feet are tired you sit. It doesn't matter when or where or how, and even if it's only for 5 minutes it still feels better when you have to start walking again. So treat your mind like your feet, because it too is running all the time and needs a moment to rest. 

The mind is the control center of the body, yet is the last thing on the self-care list that we think about addressing, long after physique, skin, teeth, hair, nails and many others. It undoubtedly plays a huge role in our physical health, relationships, ability to achieve goals or lose weight, and our overall happiness. So take 10-15 minutes and do something good for your mind today - and your body will thank you for it.  

If you want to get my 3 essential tips for getting rid of body image anxiety and shedding fat, click here.