breathe sign

The Missing Piece to Reaching Your Full Potential

mindset Apr 07, 2021


Apologies for the slightly morbid start, but I promise I'm going somewhere with this! Stay with me for a minute.

This is about recognizing that our time here is limited, so that we can stop playing small, focusing on the wrong shit, and holding ourselves back from all that we desire.



The other day as I stepped off the subway and made my way toward the escalator a woman cut in front of me and took her place on the stairs before me.

I'm a fast mover in the morning (mostly because I tend to run somewhere between just on time and fashionably late) so I like to walk up the escalator for double the speed instead of just standing there, but this woman who cut me off was blocking my way. 

I was about to get annoyed and impatient and try to squeeze past her when I noticed her dress was covered in butterflies🦋

Butterflies are my Universal sign.

When I first started meditating and learning to trust the Universe and ask for guidance, butterflies appeared in all different forms to show me that I was on the right path. (If you've never heard me tell the full story, I'll be sharing it in a podcast interview very soon!)

So, I stopped right there on the escalator, decided not to push past the woman in my way and chose to see it as another sign sent from the Universe. No need to rush, slow down. Be here now.

I felt my chest fill up with this intense feeling of joy. Maybe joy isn't the right word, maybe it's gratitude, I don't really know how to describe it, but it was strong and undeniable. I love the feeling of getting a sign.

But then my ego came in and was all, "Can you stop being so dramatic? It's just a lady in an ugly dress cutting you off on the stairs. It's a coincidence. There's no such thing as signs."

And this is where I got to thinking...


My intuition says it's a sign, right? A beautiful reminder that I'm always being guided. But my logical brain tells me it's nothing. So, which one should I believe?

Short Answer: Believe whatever makes you feel best, regardless of whether or not you can prove it's legitimate.

Heres the deal (and the point to this whole story):

I feel supported and guided when I choose to believe that theres a greater force at play in my life. So what’s the benefit then of trying to figure out the "truth?" Who really cares if it’s a coincidence or divine guidance? Does it matter?


All I know is that I FEEL better when I believe. I feel happier, more at ease, and in a higher vibration. So why would I concern myself with whether or not what I’m believing is true?

If my vibe is higher I can attract more high vibe experiences - more love, joy, wealth, travel, and fun. And that’s all I need to know to want to keep doing what I’m doing.



Ask yourself: Is it really that important for me to figure out the hard core truth of the universe if it means lowering my vibe and in turn limiting the experiences I'm able to attract in this one lifetime I'm given?


As humans we have this egoic idea that we can figure it all out. That we know what’s really going on here when in actuality we don’t have a freakin' clue. After all, humans can only see 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum 🤯 ....the rest is invisible to us.

What else is out there affecting our lives that we just can't see or touch?

Generations to come will laugh at us for what we thought was cold hard fact, just as we do looking back at previously accepted "truths" like the Earth being flat 🌏

We can choose to cling to this idea that only what we can see, understand and prove to be true is the whole of our reality, OR we can open our minds to the possibility that there is more than meets the eye - that as humans we may not be capable of seeing or comprehending all the forces at play, but we can still make the decision to trust that we're being constantly guided.


So, back to this idea that we’re all going to die...


In the grand scheme of things we’re not here on Earth for very long, so rather than spend your life searching for proof and trapping yourself in confinement of visual evidence, why not allow yourself to dream, believe, trust and start living with more ease, joy, and peace??

Faith is the missing piece. Stop holding yourself back. Lean in to all that is possible. Trust that you're divinely supported. The Universe has your back.