Do This Everyday to Become Your Best Self

mindset Mar 21, 2021

"What do I need to do today to be who I want to be?"

This is the question I want you to ask yourself every day this week when you wake up.

Write it in your planner, set it as an alarm on your phone, jot it down on a Post-It and stick it to your mirror or work computer. Keep it somewhere where you can be reminded each day to ask yourself, "What do I need to do today to be who I want to be?"

Maybe that means looking for the good around you. Maybe it's being kinder to yourself and your body. Maybe it's tangible action steps you need to take at work. Or getting your morning routine sorted, or showing up for a workout, or not eating all Christmas cookies your coworker Beth brought to the office this week.

Why is this so powerful?? I'll tell you...


"Living intentionally means making our own choices before others' choices make us"


When we start our day without intentions we end up operating on auto-pilot. Your brain reaches for the easiest thoughts and your body reaches for the most convenient meals and easiest activities. Without being intentional it is impossible to ever become the person we truly want to be.

This simple question is a short, fool-proof way to bring intentionality into your day, and to remind yourself of the person you're becoming and how you're going to take small actions to get closer to that version of you.

Rachel Hollis always says, "Hope is not a strategy"

Hoping you'll get healthier, hoping you'll be more fit, or more successful, or more positive is not enough to get you there. Hope is beautiful and inspiring, but without being INTENTIONAL you'll always fall short.

At the end of the day action is what moves us closer to our goals, and setting intentions that constantly remind us of where we're going is what gets the ball rolling.

Who is your best self? Your next level self? Your badassiest version? And what can you do TODAY to start showing up as her now?

Seriously, ask yourself. See how you feel after 7 days of being more intentional.