alarm clock,time

Overcome the Excuse of "I Don't Have Time"

mindset Apr 07, 2021


How many times do we say this in a week? or even in a day?

I don't have time to workout.
I don't have time to meditate.
I don't have time to cook a healthy meal...
to read a book...
practice yoga...
keep a gratitude journal...
the list goes on.

This has been one of the hardest concepts for me to personally come to terms with but "I don't have time" is truly a myth. It is hands down the biggest bullshit excuse that we've been conditioned to accept as an inevitable truth, and it's holding us back from achieving our goals and becoming the person we want to be.

So how can we 'make' more time for the things that will help us improve our lives?? 👇🏼 By making less time for the things that won't.

It's true that we all get the same 24 hours and it's physically impossible to 'make' more time in a day... so the logical thing to do would be to cut some things out in order to make space for the more beneficial activities we never seem to 'have time' to get around to, right? 

What you'll find is that most people don't "not have time" to workout, cook, pray, meditate, stretch, relax etc. but rather they're not willing to give up the other things in their schedule that are sucking up all their free time. 


...or they're a total people pleaser and have zero boundaries around who and what they say yes to.

...or they're simply not willing to put in the work it would require to de-condition themselves from old time-wasting habits.

The most common 'time sucker' is entertainment and distraction.

If you're a person who loves watching Youtube videos, Netflix or HBO after a long work day - limit yourself to only 1 episode, or decide on just 1 day of the week where you allow yourself to fully indulge in that escape from reality. 

If you're the type of person (most of us these days) who goes to do something on your phone and then finds yourself 20 minutes later still scrolling aimlessly through social media having forgotten why you unlocked your phone in the first place... try to get into the habit of NOT taking your phone with you everywhere you go.

It doesn't need to go to the bathroom with you (I know you do this)

It doesn't need to go to bed with you at night.

When you need to be productive or want to accomplish a few tasks around the house quickly turn it on airplane mode and put it in a drawer somewhere. 

Want your workouts to be more productive and take up less time? Airplane mode.

Want your mornings to be more peaceful and less rushed?
Airplane mode.

Want going to sleep to be easier and better for your brain?
Airplane mode. 

Want to solve all your life's problems?
Airplane mode.

(lol not really, but also.. kind of)

Ok, last tip!

Look for little in-between moments of your day that would normally go to waste and find a way to make them beneficial for you. 

When you're waiting in line instead of scrolling social listen to a podcast or scroll through your Pinterest vision board and get into the manifesting vibe.

When you're waiting for a meeting to start or to be called into a doctor's appointment read a few pages of a good book.

 While dinner's in the oven or your coffee is brewing do a few pushups on the edge of the countertop.

When you're waiting for the shower water to heat up take deep breaths and stretch your body.

There are so many little hidden moments tucked into our days that we let pass (most likely staring at our phones) when we could be utilizing them in positive ways! 

The next time you catch yourself saying "I don't have time" try replacing it with "it's not a priority for me" and see how that feels. Sometimes it may be true that you just don't have time - but other times it might be possible to rearrange your schedule and put more important/beneficial things at the top of the to-do list. 

Analyze your schedule this week and see how much time you're devoting to 'time sucking' activities and where you might be able to squeeze in some self care practices throughout.