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No Motivation? Here's My Advice

mindset Apr 07, 2021


As you've probably heard me talk about many times, motivation isn't something that we just have or don't have - it comes and goes in waves but the good news is it can also be created! 

A lot of times when you're feeling unmotivated to accomplish the tasks you've set out for yourself it's not necessarily because you don't want to do them (although sometimes that is the case) but it can actually be a signal from your brain that you're overwhelmed, disorganized, under-rested or lacking in the self care department. 

If you share my 'workaholic' personality type and obsession for personal growth you might find yourself with so many life goals, weekly objectives, daily tasks and to-do lists laying around or floating aimlessly somewhere in your head.

This can lead you to feeling like you have SO much to accomplish and not enough time or clarity to make real progress on it - like you're constantly spinning your wheels but not really going anywhere!

Over time this feeling can get overwhelming and lead you to feel burnt out, lazy, or just generally unmotivated.

You're typically not a lazy person but yet you don't feel like doing ANYTHING on your to-do list. Sooo... what should you do?!






1. Check in with yourself:
How's your sleep been lately, are you getting enough? Are you going to bed early and waking up on time? Are you drinking enough water and eating nutrient dense meals? Are you consuming too many carbs or sugars? Just doing a quick review of your recent eating and sleeping habits may reveal some answers for your lack of motivation. 

2. Clean up your space:
Getting organized whether it's at home or at work can have a massive impact on your internal motivation to get shit done. Take some time to tidy up your home or work space to give you that fresh feeling of a clean slate. 

3. Take a break:
If you're feeling truly burnt out perhaps making yet another to-do list and jumping right back in isn't the answer. Sometimes we need a proper break in order to get our motivation back - this could be a break from working out, a break from social media, a break from working on your side hustle after work etc.

Schedule in some self-care even if it means taking a full week or weekend to do nothing but relax. Sometimes your body needs good old fashion rest in order to reset itself more than it needs Friday night drinks with friends. I'm talking face masks, manicures, Netflix, a massage, a long walk in the sunshine - whatever suits you!

4. Change your state:
If you know anything about Tony Robbins you'll know his theory on living in a 'beautiful state.' When we feel anger, sadness, laziness, anxiety, frustration etc. the best thing we can do to get our mojo back is to change our state. You can do this through physical movement, gratitude, or a big one for me is music.

If you find yourself in a funk, lacking motivation to do the things you know you should, try turning on some pump-up, feel good music and dancing around or jumping up and down for a few minutes. You might feel stupid but you'll notice that your body and mind are in a completely different state afterwards. 

5. Declutter your mind:
Sit down with a real pen and paper and write out all the tasks/to-do's that are clogging your brain and subconsciously sucking your motivation dry. Get it all out and then ask yourself which tasks need to take priority and which ones can wait. Categorize them on the page as things that need to be done right away vs. things that be saved for later or delegated to someone else. 

The most important thing to remember about motivation is that it does not lead to action. It's the other way around - taking ACTION first leads to motivation later.

Sometimes you just have to suck it up and parent yourself into doing the things you'd rather put off, because once you get going the motivation will likely follow.