journal, candle, pen, coffee

Neuroscience Behind Self-Affirmations + The Ultimate Journaling Routine

mindset Apr 07, 2021



The term "self-love" has gotten so popular that it almost feels overdone at this point. 🤭

❗️But it's actually still really freakin’ important. ❗️

You might be thinking, "What're the benefits of all this affirmation crap anyway?" 

Neuroscience research actually identifies increases in certain neural pathways of the brain (mainly in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex) when positive affirmations are practiced regularly. 

Which can lead to things like:

  • decrease in stress

  • perceiving difficult situations as less-threatening

  • responding to challenges more optimistically

  • strengthened self-efficacy (our perceived ability to control moral outcomes and respond flexibly)

  • reduced anxiety and rumination

SIGN ME UP, right?!

So a few years back when everyone started hyping up these "positive affirmations" I thought I could take a shortcut by just coming up with a few of them and saying them to myself once - no need to stand in the mirror and say, “I love you” or write in a journal everyday. Who has time for that?!

.....Butttttt, turns out I was wrong. It doesn't work like that.

And here’s why:


The key component behind all the research is consistency.

But not to worry, they're totally recyclable! You can reuse them over and over again and they’ll still have the same amazing effect.

Think about it this way, when you get ready for a date night with your man and you put effort into your makeup, hair, outfit etc. you still feel good when he tells you that you look beautiful even if he’s told you in the same way a thousand times before.

Those little reminders have so much power in boosting confidence, making us feel valued, and influencing the way we view ourselves. And they’re even more valuable when they come from YOU rather than from others - 10 times more actually!

What you think and say about YOURSELF is 10 times as powerful at influencing your self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness than anything anyone else thinks or says of you. 


So, knowing all this why don’t we remind ourselves that we’re frickin' AWESOME more often?!?

Probably for one of three reasons:

  1. It feels like we don’t deserve it

  2. There's still so much more we could do to improve

  3. Complimenting yourself is awkward AF

But in order to truly step into self-love and reap the neurological benefits we just have to get over ourselves and do it.

Here's one excellent, non-awkward way to do it every day in less than 5 min...

In a journal or notes app on your phone write down:

  • 3 "Wins" - small positive things about your day/life you can be grateful for

  • 3 Affirmations - things like "I am beautiful as I am" "I am abundant" "Things are always working out for me" or whatever feels good for you that day

  • 5 Goals - BIG audacious goals for your future without limitations. Could be about your career, finances, relationships, etc. but be SPECIFIC. (Ex. I earn 6-figure months. I'm a #1 New York Times bestselling author. I am an exceptional wife/mother.) These will stay the same everyday until you've achieved or changed them.

This has become my new morning journaling routine and I've found it to be the fastest way to effectively practice positive affirmations and visualization regularly.

Give it a go this week and see how you feel! Remember, consistency is key!