good vibes only sign, meditation

5 Easy & Free Ways to Raise Your Vibration

mindset Apr 07, 2021


The entire universe is made up of vibrational frequencies and energy. The phone in your hand, your morning cup of coffee, the leaves on the ground, and the stars in the sky – it’s all vibrating.

It’s admittedly difficult to wrap your mind around the idea of solid objects and non-conscious beings having vibrational energy that can be physically altered by your own thoughts, but Eastern cultures have known this to be true for thousands of years and numerous studies offering proof of the theory have been published in scientific journals in recent years.

Now the common phrase ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ has a whole new meaning. Once we understand this concept we can begin to intentionally raise our own vibration to improve the reality around us. So here are five easy ways to help you become a high-vibe individual.


Gratitude is something that is talked about a lot, and for good reason. Establishing a daily gratitude practice is one of the best things you can do to raise your vibration and improve your mood. Psychology studies have even shown that practicing gratitude daily over time can increase your overall happiness. Umm, yes please!

So whether you want to write down five awesome things about your day or say them out loud to a friend, start looking for gratitude in the smallest moments of your day. Practice this for 30 days straight and I promise you’ll notice a huge difference! Don’t underestimate the power of a grateful heart.



In today’s fast paced world we’re constantly moving from one place to another and rarely find time to just sit outside for the sole purpose of being in nature.

Most of us sit at a desk for 8 hours a day, drive or take some form of transport to work, exercise inside a gym, study in a café, and relax in our homes. We move from one indoor space to the next with little to no time spent outdoors appreciating the beautiful world around us. Mother Nature is a powerful force and we’re letting all her high vibes go to waste by not hanging out with her more often.

Getting outside is probably the quickest way to raise your vibration and it’s available to everyone at all times. If you can walk to work or school, do it. Take your lunch break outside when the weather is nice or stand on your front porch and breathe in the fresh morning air before starting your day. Take your shoes off and walk barefoot on the grass. Instead of going to the gym try taking your workout outside a few times a week. If you need a major energy boost go for a hike or head to the beach and swim in the ocean. Just changing up your environment and connecting back to nature can drastically improve your mood.



We all experience negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs, its just part of being human. But giving these thoughts too much attention can seriously lower your vibration, increase anxiety, and negatively affect your energetic circle. You can be the most positive person in your friend group, but if you’re battling negative self-talk inside your own head the Universe is going to pick up on that energy.

Why is it so much easier to show kindness and compassion for the people around you than it is to do it for yourself? If your friend messes up big time you’re probably the first one to tell her not to worry and that everything will work out in the end. But if it were you who messed up, your thoughts on the subject would likely be a lot more negative and judgemental. You are your own worst critic - we all are.

So how can we combat that inner voice of judgment and self-doubt? By becoming your own best friend. Use conscious intention to treat yourself and talk to yourself like you would your best friend. Pay attention to your thoughts and when you notice the inner critic coming out to play put her back in her place and practice being kind to yourself.  Create some positive affirmations that you can use in any moment to bat down negative thoughts like, ‘I am kind, I am strong, and I bring positive energy with me everywhere I go.’ Make time for self-care; treat yourself to a face mask, or a massage, or an afternoon with a good book. Become your own bestie and feel your vibration soar.



We rely on technology for so much it’s hard to ever be away from it, and with social media constantly available at the tap of a finger addiction is becoming a very real epidemic.

According to a recent study in the UK people are now online for an average of 24 hours a week. That’s 52 days in a year. So much time spent with our faces in a screen consuming content is very energy draining, so if you’re looking for a boost, try putting your phone down and taking a break.

You can go full detox mode and hide your phone away for an entire day or weekend, but if that’s too much for you even short breaks can be beneficial in helping your mind disconnect. Try putting your phone on airplane mode every night for an hour before bed, and don’t switch it back on until you’ve completed your morning routine and are consciously ready to start consuming. Don’t worry, your alarm will still go off. (Trust me, I do this one nearly every night)

Go for a walk outside and leave your phone at home. You’ll realize how different it feels looking ahead instead of down at your phone. Notice the trees, the sky, the fresh air and people passing by, just take 10-15 minutes to be present.



This one may require you to muster up a little courage, but it’s a powerful exercise in helping you increase those good vibrations. Incorporating random acts of kindness in your day will not only improve your mood but you’ll also make someone else smile and pass on the positive energy.

Try things like holding the door for someone, offering to help carry someone’s bags to the car, paying for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru, calling a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while, emailing a coworker to tell them you appreciate their hard work, or complimenting a complete stranger.

You never know the impact your one act of kindness could have on an individual and you may even inspire them to pay it forward as well. These little things are really the big things and they spread from one person to the next like a ripple effect, raising the vibration of the whole world around you.
