girl, bed, wake up, morning

4 Things to STOP Doing In the Morning

health + fitness Apr 07, 2021

We hear a lot about morning routines and what you should do in the morning to start the day off in the best way possible, but today I want to talk about....


If you're not a morning person to begin with or your schedule just doesn't allow you to wake up any earlier to workout, practice yoga, journal, meditate, go for a walk or whatever else you wish you could fit in, don't worry - there are still some adjustments you can make to your morning habits to improve each day.

Here are the things that are killing your productivity, mood, and mindset first thing in the A.M that you should kick ASAP...

1. Hitting Snooze 

Choose your wake up time wisely.

Not rushing is key to having a good morning! So stop hitting snooze!


It's the first commitment you've made to yourself for the day so starting off by immediately breaking it is a horrible way to begin, as it signals to your brain that when you make commitments or try to implement new habits you don't really plan on following through.

You definitely don't want to be going through life with that belief wired into your subconscious mind - that's a recipe for disaster.

2. Checking Your Phone

Not only can the blue light emitted from our devices mess with your circadian rhythm and ability to fall asleep & wake up easily, but scrolling through social media, the news, or your emails first thing is allowing your mind to be bombarded with others' ideas, opinions, and emotions (many of which tend to be negative) before you've even had a moment to think your own first thoughts of the day.

Sleep with your phone in airplane mode (your alarm will still go off, and it's safer for your brain health) and don't switch it off until you've gotten ready, eaten your breakfast and had some time for yourself.

You can still play music and check the time - so trust me, you'll survive just fine. 

3. Drinking Coffee First Thing
(yes, even decaf)

Coffee increases the production of stomach acid so drinking it on an empty tummy over time can damage your stomach lining and lead to digestive and gut health issues - which, as we know, having good gut health is the key to great overall health + wellbeing.

Coffee on an empty stomach can also increase symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and difficulty concentrating... a.k.a. not ideal.

Take care of your tum and just eat a little something first. 

4. Eating on the Go/ In the Car 

I'm all about that smoothie & protein bar life, but eating while you're rushing to work is actually pretty bad for your health.

Not only is distracted and hurried eating linked to weight gain but it can also be more difficult for your body to digest the food properly causing symptoms like gas, bloating, acid reflux and in some cases mess with your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In general, starting your morning off in a rush is setting you up for a scattered and hectic approach to your day.

Go to sleep earlier so you can give yourself enough time in the morning to get ready and eat calmly at the table before starting your day.