Believe it quote, journal, glasses

3 Steps To Getting Your Sh*t Together

mindset Apr 07, 2021

It's easy for us to move through life on auto-pilot, wake up every day and do relatively the same things and think pretty much the same thoughts.

Actually though - according to research nearly 95% of our thoughts are the same every day (and 80% of them are negative, eeek😬)

Which is exactly how we get to a place of feeling stuck.

Even if things are going pretty well in our relationships and careers we get to a point of feeling STAGNANT - bored of the routine, but too complacent to make any real changes.

It's a lot easier for us to whine, complain, or blame our circumstances on something external, but the truth is, where you're at right now - your current reality - is 99% YOUR doing.

And that might suck to hear. Or it might motivate the heck out of you... because it also means that you're 99% in control of what happens next. 

If you're feeling this way right now, like you're standing still or just going through the motions, you need to make some shifts ASAP because no one likes the feeling of living in a low-vibe.


Here's what to do:



What do you want to happen next? Do you even know? Get SUPER specific.

If you're craving more social connections make a goal for how many dinner dates, or happy hours, or girls nights you want to have in a month. Write it down.

If you're ready to start moving your body more and feeling energized through exercise PLAN YOUR WORKOUT. Know how many times per week you want to commit to exercise. Write it down. Schedule a group class, book it ahead of time. Reserve your spot in a yoga class. Make plans to meet a friend at the gym.

If you've only got a vague, fluffy idea of what you want, it's going to be REALLY hard to get it.




You don't feel like it? Me either. No one cares. Do it anyway!

If you want change, progress, or growth in any area of your life you've got to do things differently. To shift your energy and thus your experiences you've got to shake things up!

And once you decide what it is you need to do, actually DO IT. Remember, the Universe doesn't respond to hopes or desires it responds to action.




If you want to up-level your life or start living in a happier, more joyful, more fulfilling reality you first have to believe that it's possible.

If you're working towards a goal, showing up and doing the things, but simultaneously doubting if you're truly capable of achieving it, you will completely block it from ever manifesting.

You can't have one foot in and one foot out on your dreams. You can't want it so bad, but at the same time be planning for how it might not work out.

Whether you want to improve your friendships, marriage, career, social life, mindset, or physical health it does not matter - you need to be ALL IN.

You need to believe that you're worth it, that you're capable, and that it's already happening for you.

If you're feeling stuck, I hope this inspires you to get clear on where you're going and start taking actionable steps to shake up your energy and begin shifting your reality.